what are some counseling theories used with family substance abuse

Contingency management and motivational incentive approaches to therapy reinforce positive behavior with tangiblerewards. The therapies augment other forms of therapy to increase abstinence during counseling. The Matrix model gives individuals in recovery from stimulant addiction a framework for maintaining abstinence. It’sprimarily used in patients recovering from methamphetamine or cocaine addiction. Different approaches are more appropriate and effective for different people,depending on their age, type of addiction and the factors that contributed to their addiction.

  • You can also use a genogram as a project the family works on together to enhance communication and bonding.
  • It also depicts family patterns, events, and relationships, including emotional closeness, enmeshment, conflict, and emotional cutoffs (Platt & Skowron, 2013).
  • The sessions focus on helping the client and family member establish a “daily trust discussion.” The family member reinforces the client’s intention to remain abstinent from substances, reduce conflict, improve communication, and increase positive alternative activities for the client.
  • It provides information about marriages, divorces, births, geographical locations, deaths, and illness over the generations.

Cognitive-Behavioral Theory

You can help people make their own decisions (self-efficacy) and advocate for services to improve the lives of people who use substances and live with SUDs. We will be exploring substance use disorders as a biopsychosocial phenomenon and  unpack biological, psychological and social theories of substance abuse. You may choose to explore other theories, there are links to multiple theories of substance use disorders in additional resources. There are many theories that hope to explain why individuals use and abuse substances.

Communication Patterns

Patients who obtained voucher incentives and CRA stayed longer in treatment, used cocaine less frequently during treatment, engaged in less heavy drinking, and reported less depression and more days of paid employment (Higgins et al., 2003). These findings show that CRA contains active ingredients of treatment, although they do not clarify which specific aspects of CRA are most important. Contingency Management (CM) and Community Reinforcement Approaches (CRA) are based on the idea that substance use is initiated and maintained by environmental factors and can be changed by altering its consequences. These approaches reflect behavioral economics theory and the assumption that the use of substances should decline as the cost of obtaining and using them increases.

what are some counseling theories used with family substance abuse

Goals of Integrated Family Counseling for SUDs

what are some counseling theories used with family substance abuse

O’Brien and colleagues found that cocaine-dependent clients showed theprototypical arousal and craving responses when first presented drug-relatedcues that reminded them of their drug use (O’Brien et al., 1990). By the sixth 1-hour treatment session, they nolonger reported either subjective highs or physiological withdrawal. By the15th session, all clients reported that they no longer experienced cravingwhen substance abuse counseling presented with the drug-related cues. Clients who received the cueexposure as part of their standard outpatient treatment for cocaine use werealso less likely to drop out of treatment and had more cocaine-free weeksthan did clients attending the same outpatient program but who did notreceive cue exposure. Sessions may be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or at other intervals as deemed appropriate.

  • Family counseling uses family dynamics and strengths to bring about change in a range of diverse problem areas, including SUDs.
  • This sets the child up for a potential lifetime of inability to set healthy boundaries in relationships and make the important triad connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Work collaboratively with your client and recovery supports to develop a relapse prevention and emergency plan (in the event of a lapse) that includes appropriate roles for recovery supports (take care not to burden them with responsibilities that your client should handle).
  • The therapies incorporate vouchers or chances to win prizes to promote abstinence.

What Are The Four Subsystems in Family Systems Theory?

what are some counseling theories used with family substance abuse

Multisystemic Family Therapy

  • Still other types are adoptive or foster and other families whose members are not biologically related and instead come together by choice.
  • Carter and McGoldrick (1989) identify eight stages of the family life cycle and corresponding developmental tasks.
  • The counselor coaches family members to engage in new behaviors that increase positive interactions and improve communication and problem-solving skills (Lam et al., 2012).

Brief Strategic Family Therapy

what are some counseling theories used with family substance abuse